En esta actividad vas a escuchar
y leer
una serie de textos y tendrás que responder a unas preguntas. Presta mucha atención.
Si no sabes contestar alguna pregunta, no pierdas tiempo y pasa a la siguiente.
Algunas preguntas tendrán cuatro posibles respuestas, pero solo una es correcta. Marca la letra que se encuentre junto a ella. Mira este ejemplo:

Si decides cambiar la respuesta a una pregunta, selecciona tu nueva respuesta.
Para otras preguntas te pedirán que completes la respuesta en el espacio señalado. Fíjate en el ejemplo:

En otras preguntas deberás decidir si las afirmaciones son verdaderas o falsas.

En otros casos, las posibles respuestas aparecerán en un desplegable. Tendrás que pinchar en la flecha
y marcar tu respuesta.

Si en algún momento necesitas teclear el signo del apóstrofo, este se encuentra en la tecla de interrogación.
Ejemplo: Sarah's house
Para pasar de pantalla pulsa el botón NEXT.
Para retroceder pulsa el botón BACK.
Si deseas borrar la respuesta pulsa CLEAR.
Audio1. School timetable 
This is the listening test, part one. You will hear the recording twice. You will hear someone on the phone leaving a message. For each question, answer A, B, C, or D or choose the right option from the list. Now you will have 20 seconds to read the questions. Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.
School timetable 
Mrs. Peterson is a very
teacher but you learn a lot of things with her.
Estás seguro de querer pasar a la siguiente unidad
Ya no podrás volver a estas preguntas hasta el final, en la página de revisión.
Audio 2. Banana and Chocolate Sundae 
This is the listening test, part two. You will hear the recording twice. You will hear someone teaching a recipe to her students. For each question, answer A, B, C, or D or choose the right option from the list. Now you will have 20 seconds to read the questions. Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.
Banana and Chocolate Sundae 
You need four
of chocolate syrup for this recipe.
You need
for this recipe.
You have to repeat this more times
the glass is full.
Estás seguro de querer pasar a la siguiente unidad
Ya no podrás volver a estas preguntas hasta el final, en la página de revisión.
Let's go to the theatre! 
Read the text carefully and answer the questions
Daniel and his parents are planning to see one of London’s West End shows next Saturday evening. They are going to use the underground. Daniel´s father says that going by car is more expensive and more stressful because of the heavy traffic. They are looking up for some information about the play on the Internet. Here is the website they are looking at:
18. Which of these statements are true and which are false?
Going by underground is
than going by car.
The theatre is located at
Estás seguro de querer pasar a la siguiente unidad
Ya no podrás volver a estas preguntas hasta el final, en la página de revisión.
Your Alien Dog 
Read the text carefully and answer the questions
Give food to your alien dog five times per day.
Feed him with green vegetables like lettuce, spinach and cucumber.
Don't give him pizza. He hates it.
Your alien dog is green. If he turns yellow give him some medicine or he will get ill.
However, if he goes red, give him some cold water.
Wash him when it's rainy.

Ask your alien dog about science. He likes talking about it.
Walk your alien dog at night. Don't take him out during the day; he doesn't like sunshine.
Play chess with him. He loves it.
Teach your alien dog to read. He has three eyes, so he will read faster than you!
He likes doing exercise but he doesn't like swimming.
He hates tennis.
29. Which of these statements are true and which are false?
Estás seguro de querer pasar a la siguiente unidad
Ya no podrás volver a estas preguntas hasta el final, en la página de revisión.